Portrait shoot using Kodak Vision 3 250D


Rescanned for the first time with the Nikon Coolscan 8000ED these portraits were shot using Kodak Vision 3 250D. Photographing on a cold but bright and sunny winter morning the light was strong, so using the beautiful Victorian structures of Hampstead's Hill Gardens Pergola to shield Juliette worked perfectly. The film handled the colours, light and shade that day sublimely. Then of course, there’s that Hollywood feeling that I always get when shooting Vision 3. It is after all, the film that films are made from!

As previously I hand developed the film, but this time rather than cross-processing in C41 as I had done before, I used Flic Film’s ECN-2 kit which includes a remjet removing pre-bath as well as all the other stages. This is a great product with the only issue being its short shelf life of only four weeks once mixed. If I were to use it again I would certainly bank up several rolls so that I could take full advantage of the kits lifespan.

Portraits taken with CONTAX S2 with Zeiss Planar 50mm ƒ1.4 and Zeiss Planar 85mm ƒ1.4 on Kodak Vision 3 250D
Model : Juliette Koch