Mercado De La Cebada

Mercado de la Cebada, La Latina, Madrid.

For me, walking around this indoor marketplace was a wonder. It felt as though the stalls were clinging for their commercial lives. Most of the viable traders were centred on the ground floor, closest to the street for convenient access; they still provide excellent meat, fresh fish, fruit & vegetables. On the upper floors and outer edges stood many unoccupied kiosks, lining the long corridors of shutters and patchy lighting. The building was almost like a time warp, its age was evident, but in many ways, I could see that it was a place held dear by its traders and the community it serves.


All photos taken with Sigma SD15 and Sigma EX ƒ1.4 30mm lens. Foveon RAW files processed with Sigma Photo Pro 5.5 and post processed with Adobe Photoshop CS6.
